Tuesday, May 31, 2016

June Events!

The month of June is a busy one.

June   9 - Blood Draws
June 18 - Gooseberry Festival 5k/10k at Eastside Park | Register at GrundyCHD.org
June 22 - Blood Draws
June 23 - FREE PSAs for Men's Health Month
June 30 - Skin Cancer Screenings with Cleaver Dermatology

Call for an appointment. 660.359.4196.

Check out our full calendar for WIC, immunization, and clinic days.

Summer Immunizations!

We know, summer is just getting started! You've got big plans--days at the Aquatic Center, camping, family vacation. It's WAY too soon to start thinking about going back to school in the Fall. Well, not for the gang at the Grundy County Health Department. We start thinking about the First Day of School long before school's even out in May! It's a busy time for us.

The State of Missouri requires students that attend school have all their immunizations up-to-date. Booster doses of certain vaccines are required before school starts this Fall. 

School immunization requirements affect four age groups primarily:

  • Students entering Kindergarten must have a booster series.
  • Students entering eighth grade need a TDaP (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) booster and a meningococcal vaccination.
  • Students entering 12th grade are required to have a meningococcal vaccination. This is a new requirement for this age group.
  • College students living on campus are required to have one dose of meningococcal vaccine.
To avoid a last minute rush, the Grundy County Health Department is offering an incentive for students that come in early: a $10 gift card for appointments before July 1 and a $5 gift card for appointments before August 1. Evening appointments are available.

The Health Department is able to bill most insurance companies. GCHD participates in the Federal Vaccines for Children program that provides vaccine for children that are uninsured or eligible for Medicaid.  Please bring your insurance card with you to your appointment.

Avoid the August rush by scheduling your appointment this month. Call the Grundy County Health Department at 660/359-4196 to make an immunization appointment for your child.